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Benefits of React JavaScript Library Custom Web Application Development

Benefits of React JavaScript Library

  • July 22, 2022
  • 15min read
  • React is a JavaScript library owned and managed by Facebook; it is used to create the scalable user interface for web and mobile applications. It facilitates to build the reusable UI components that can utilize the dynamic content. As it uses XHTML/XML type syntaxes, it allows the user to create quick templates and secure coding. With React JS , the user can create encapsulation components that manage their own state that composes to create complex UI for your applications.

    React JS helps to develop new features in the applications without changing the existing code. It has server-side rendering feature that allows pre-rendering the initial components in the server to make page loading faster without waiting for the entire components to load. ReactJS uses the virtual DOM that creates a data structure in memory to replicate the existing DOM. It stops re-render the page for any new changes.

    Advantages of Reactjs

Key advantages of ReactJS

  • It is a free and open-source library backed by a wide developer community
  • It has lightweight DOM for better performance
  • ReactJS allows to create, recycle and combine the components
  • Many applications such as Twitter, the New York Times, Walmart, Airbnb, and Netflix are experiencing the advantages of using ReactJS
  • Updates are done faster and in enhanced manner
  • The data binding feature in ReactJS helps in creating dynamic and scalable applications
  • It is best suitable for building high load applications
  • As ReactJS is maintained by Facebook, it is always kept up-to-date

Features of ReactJS

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    JS library

    JSX is a preprocessor that provides XML syntax; the React JS can be used with JSX or without JSX. With JSX, the user can build effective applications and reduces in writing components for applications.

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    Search Engine Friendly

    ReactJS can able to run on the server and the DOM component that return to the browser as the normal web page.

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    Optimized User Interface

    ReactJS supports responsive web design and helps in smooth running of applications.

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    ReactJS will create its own DOM which provides high performance and outstanding gains. It calculates the changes required in DOM and updates the DOM-tree as required.

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    Testing and Debugging

    ReactJS makes the testing easier by installing the extension as it allows to look directly into the virtual DOM. As the virtual DOM is enforced into the React JS, it enables to write test cases easier.

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    The React JS is used to build an interactive user interface for mobile and web applications. The declarative form of React Js renders the accurate data even when the data changes.

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    Event handling

    the React JS provides a cross-browser interface where it has a huge range of event objects to minimize the data overhead.

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    The JSX is closely related to JavaScript and XML; React JS uses JSX instead of JavaScript that uses HTML tag and its subcomponents.

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    Native Architecture

    Reactive provides the native architecture to applications such as iOS, Android, and UPD.

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    Virtual Document Object Model

    The VDOM cache the changes made and computes, reflects in a browser. ReactJS is a proven technology used in building user-interfaces for the powerful applications. It is the best technology to build a long-standing application; it is used to create a modernized full-fledged application with organized data, user-friendly and scalable architecture.

    AES ReactJS development services provide a feature-rich application that optimizes the performance of your web application and allows to accomplish your business goals.

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